Nowadays, software development has become an essential task for any company seeking to remain competitive in the market. However, the development process can be long and expensive, which can cause problems for companies that do not have a sufficient budget or an experienced development team. Fortunately, there are two software development approaches that can help companies overcome these problems: Low code and No code.

Problems of traditional software development

Before delving into Low code and No code approaches, it is important to mention the problems that companies often face with traditional software development. One of the main problems is the lack of resources and budget. Software development requires a team of experienced developers, which can be expensive for companies without a large budget.

Another common problem is the complexity of the development process. Traditional software development can take months or even years, which can delay bringing products or services to market. Additionally, the complexity of the process can lead to additional errors and delays.

Additionally, lack of flexibility is a problem within traditional software development, business requirements can change quickly and The software must adapt to these changes. However, the traditional development process can be inflexible and not allow for rapid changes.

Low code and No code solutions

Low code and No code are two different approaches to software development that can help companies overcome problems of traditional software development.

Low Code is an approach that uses visual development platforms to create applications, where Developers can create applications using predefined components and a visual interface, significantly reducing development time and cost. Additionally, Low Code platforms allow for rapid changes and adaptation to business requirements.

No Code, on the other hand, allows users to create applications without requiring knowledge programming, they can create applications using visual tools and simple logic. This means that anyone in the company can create applications, significantly reducing development cost and time.

Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages. Low Code may require basic technical knowledge and may be more expensive than No Code . No code, on the other hand, may be less flexible and may not be suitable for complex applications.

In conclusion, traditional software development can be expensive, complex, and inflexible. However, Low Code and No Code approaches can help businesses overcome these issues by reducing time and effort. cost of development and allow rapid changes. At KPG we can advise you to maximize the technological functions of your organization! If you would like more details, write to us via email and don’t miss the opportunity to improve your business development.